This post is sponsored by Adidas. All opinions are my own.

It’s safe to come out of hibernation people. The sun is finally out and Spring is actually here. This time, it’s for real. I mean, this Winter just kept dragging and dragging. Am I right? Thankfully, those days are behind us now. Let’s move on and pretend we weren’t stressing over the cold.
It’s that time of year where the flowers start to bloom, our moods get a little better and we start planning some getaways. It’s been a while since I took a trip somewhere warm or anywhere at all. I know all you moms understand what it’s like having a new baby (not so new anymore, he’s 9 months). Truthfully, I had forgotten how much energy and time it takes to prepare all their stuff. Whether it’s to get them ready for a bath, nap, feeding, diaper change.. It’s a lot. By the time that’s all done, I have zero energy to get ready myself. I will say, things are getting much better every single day (thank goodness). For instance, last week I spent a day gardening and he was playing with his older sisters the entire time and that never happens. I can’t deny he’s a mama’s boy. Yet, now he’s a little more independant, plays with his toys and wants to eat on his own. In other words, I don’t have any excuses not to get ready and plan family trips.
& speaking of; I’m excited to be taking a fun trip with my whole family (and by whole family I mean EVERYONE! Dad, cousins, aunts etc) very soon. We all need a break from our daily hustle and bustle. I’m so glad to have booked something fun for all of us to get together and create memories. Will share details in weeks to come.