Hey guys, welcome back!
Some of you may know about the freeeezing weather in NYC. It was colder here the day before yesterday than in Alaska. Insane, right?
I thought this was a great time to post this look featuring a few of my current favorite things including this amazing Snowman New York coat. I've had the coat for a couple of weeks now and it has just been sitting in my closet because it wasn't really cold in my town, until Monday! The cold weather just came out of no where.. I mean, I know it's winter and we should expect 20 degree weather and high speed winds, but.. this weeks weather was no joke. It was 12 degrees Monday and last week was 45 degrees. That's a pretty big drop if you ask me. Anyways, Winter is here and theres no denying the need of a good, warm and stylish coat like this one. & if you decide to purchase this style or any style from Snowman New York's website make sure to enter TrendyMoms20 at checkout for 20% off your purchase.

You might remember these socks which I posted on my Instagram a few weeks ago. They are by Foot Cardigan, a monthly socks subscription for adults and children. These are my favorite socks and that's quite something.. since I've never had favorite socks before:)
The boots that I am wearing are also my current favorites. They are by Dr. Scholl's Shoes. Yes, you heard right! Many people aren't aware that Dr. Scholl's make unbelievably comfortable and stylish shoes.. but they do. These have been my go-to boots for the past couple of weeks and I just can't get enough of them. They go with practically everything, they are comfortable and one very crucial point- they're not too high and not too low (if that makes any sense). They are just the right hight to run around town without busting your behind.

My marble phone case is from a website called Casetify. This site has the coolest custom phone covers I've ever seen and am in love with this marble one. You can visit their site to view all the fun cases they offer, you won't be disappointed.
The 3 beautiful white bracelets I am wearing are by Brett Lauren. If you're not familiar with the brand, it's a company that designs and ensembles bracelets in the US by women. Brett Lauren offers two different type of bracelets. One is called wee b's, which are bracelets for kids ages 4-7 (both of my girls own one) and they also have b's which are bracelets for adults. I'm not sure if you're able to see all the pretty gold details and the slight glossiness from the pebble... these are my favorite characteristics. It's also really nice to have matching bracelets with my daughters.

& we're continuing with the marble trend.. haha.
This watch is by a company I was recently introduced to, Christian Paul. This is a company from Sydney, Australia (a place I always wanted to visit). I like to think of this brand as affordable luxury because the designs look sleek, chic and expensive. I chose this color/design because I've been really into marble and the watch itself is super versatile so I can wear it with jeans, dresses, or anything else.

I've been getting a lot of questions about my nails on my snapchat. These are Natural Nails by KISS.
They come with no color and pretty long so I went ahead and cut them, shaped them to my liking and painted them with my current favorite polish, Pink-ing Of You by O.P.I. The package comes with a glue which you apply on the nail or your own nail, then you simply apply the while pressing down with a little bit of pressure to avoid any air bubbles to be visible. The nails stay on for as long as you want- I actually had them on for 5 days and they were in perfect condition. I had to remove them for a shoot but will be reapplying different ones because I really loved them. Did I mention how inexpensive they are? You can find them at your local drugstore, Target, Walmart, etc.

One of my current obsessions lately is turtlenecks, anything! Sweaters, shirts and dresses. This dress is by Peruvian Connection and it's made from 100% Pima cotton made in Peru (which is amazing!).
This bag is by SJP.

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