There's nothing I dislike more than bad breath!
I recently visited my dentist because I needed to get a yearly cleaning and at the end of my visit he was giving me tips on how to stay away from bad breath and maintain your mouth squeaky clean. I thought this would be great to share with you all so here you go:)
The reason why bad breath occurs is because of the millions of bacteria that live in your mouth every day! I don't mean to get technical here but.. if you do not take care of your teeth daily, food gets stuck in your mouth and can decompose and create gum disease and cavities, as well as serious diseases that can affect your overall health. Good oral routine helps eliminate the breakdown and prevent bad breath.
In other words, follow these steps to avoid bad breath!
In other words, follow these steps to avoid bad breath!
1. Brushing Teeth
As obvious as it may seem, you have to learn how to brush your teeth well. For a good brushing, you should use at least two minutes and place the brush at an angle of 45 ° from the gum with short, gentle strokes. Remember to clean all teeth and surfaces and use a watch to mark you at least 2 minutes of your time to brushing. I like using the Philips Sonicare Elite toothbrush. This is a rechargeable toothbrush which has a two speed button and a two minute timer builtin. See a great offer here.
2. Use Floss
I never used to floss because I either didn't find time or didn't really think it was necessary. Until my dentist told me this is the most effective tool to remove food debris between teeth that brushing can not remove. I now floss after each meal and have noticed a huge difference in my mouth.
3. Use Mouthwash
Another tip my dentist told me was to use a mouthwash because there are many areas of the mouth where bacteria can settle: in the teeth, tongue and gums. Using a mouthwash such as Colgate Total Gum Health gives you 12 hours of protection against germs, even after eating and drinking, and kills 99% of germs on contact and freshens breath.
4. Visit to the Dentist
You think you have teeth and a healthy mouth because you wash them every day? This is not an excuse for not going to the dentist! Visit your dentist regularly, at least once a year, or if possible every six months. I know I do:)
5. Maintain a Balanced Diet
Choose a balanced diet by avoiding starches and sugars. Both the amount of sugar as the frequency with which it is consumed are all factors that determine the increase in cavities and dental problems. So if you don't need to eat that cookie, don't! Your teeth will thank you later.
¿Sabías que el mal aliento puede ser causado por los millones de bacterias que viven en tu boca todos los días? Si no cuidas tus dientes diariamente, la comida se queda atrapada en tu boca y puede descomponerse y crear enfermedades de las encías y caries, además de serias enfermedades que puede afectar tu salud en general. Una buena rutina bucal ayuda a eliminar esa descomposición y prevenir el mal aliento.
Comienza a dar los primeros pasos hacia una boca más saludable siguiendo estos cinco (5) pasos:
1. Cepillar los Dientes
Aprende a cepillarte bien los dientes. Para un buen cepillado de dientes, se deben emplear al menos dos minutos y colocar el cepillo formando un ángulo de 45° respecto a la encía con movimientos cortos y suaves. Recuerda de limpiar todo los dientes y superficies y usar un reloj para marcarte al menos 2 minutos de tiempo para tu cepillado.
2. Utilizar Hilo Dental
A pesar de que a la gente no le gusta el uso del hilo dental, esta herramienta es la más efectiva para eliminar los restos de comida entre los dientes que el cepillado no puede quitar.
3. Usar Enjuague Bucal
Hay muchas superficies de la boca donde las bacterias pueden asentarse: en los dientes, naturalmente, pero también en la lengua y las encías. El uso de un enjuague bucal como el de Colgate Total Gum Health te da 12 horas de protección contra los gérmenes, aún después de comer y beber, y mata el 99% de los gérmenes al contacto y refresca el aliento.
4. Visitar al Dentista
¿Crees que tienes unos dientes y una boca sana porque te los lavas todos los días? ¡Esto no es una excusa para no ir al dentista! Visita a tu dentista regularmente, al menos una vez al año, o si es posible cada seis meses.
5. Mantener un Dieta Balanceada
Elije una dieta balanceada evitando el consumo de almidones y azúcares. Tanto la cantidad de azúcar como la frecuencia con la que se consuma son factores que determinan el aumento de caries y problemas dentales.
This post is a collaboration with Colgate Total. As always all opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands and collaborations that make NYTrendyMoms possible!
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