July 30, 2015
July 29, 2015
Welcome to Our Home!

It's been a little over two months since my family and I moved into our new home and we are just getting the hang of things. After painting, putting-in new floors and changing light fixtures, we finally feel settled-in. Of course there's still a lot to do but for now we're just going to take it slow.
Over the weekend I threw a small House Warming Party where I was able to invite my close family and friends to celebrate our new place and enjoy some delicious treats.
Ha sido un poco más de dos meses desde que mi familia y yo nos mudamos a nuestro nuevo hogar y finalmente hemos terminado todo. El fin de semana tuve una pequeña celebración en mi casa, donde tuve la oportunidad de invitar a mi familia y amigos cercanos para celebrar nuestro nuevo hogar y disfrutar de comida deliciosa.
July 27, 2015
Beauty Monday with Clinique

Today I've teamed up with Clinique to share my personal beauty consultation experience at the Clinique counter in Macy's Herald Square. Yes.. I know, you didn't know there was such thing. Well, neither did I.
"If you don't know, now you know"
Clinique offers these beauty consultation services to help you choose products for your particular skin type. The consultant asks you a handful of questions to see what your biggest problem areas are. They then mark it down on a beauty chart (see photo below) which allows them to direct you to the best products for your needs.
personal en el mostrador de Clinique en Herald Square Macy. Sí .. Lo sé, usted no sabía que había tal cosa. Bueno, yo tampoco
"Si no lo sabes, ahora sabes"
Clinique ofrece estos servicios de belleza de consulta para ayudarle a elegir los productos para su tipo de piel. El consultor le pregunta unas preguntas para ver cuáles son sus áreas problemáticas más grandes. Ellos marcan sus respuestas y te dirigen a los mejores productos para sus necesidades.
July 24, 2015
Official Brazilian Footwear Video
Happy Friday guys! Just wanted to share the official video recap of the project my family and I worked on with Brazilian Footwear. The experience was unforgettable and would do it again in a heart beat. If you missed part 1 of the trip, you can find it here.
I want to thank the team who produced this video and who worked on the entire project. It was a dream come true, obrigado!
Enjoy and have a great weekend!
July 22, 2015
Tips on How to Keep Your Mouth Clean

There's nothing I dislike more than bad breath!
I recently visited my dentist because I needed to get a yearly cleaning and at the end of my visit he was giving me tips on how to stay away from bad breath and maintain your mouth squeaky clean. I thought this would be great to share with you all so here you go:)
The reason why bad breath occurs is because of the millions of bacteria that live in your mouth every day! I don't mean to get technical here but.. if you do not take care of your teeth daily, food gets stuck in your mouth and can decompose and create gum disease and cavities, as well as serious diseases that can affect your overall health. Good oral routine helps eliminate the breakdown and prevent bad breath.
In other words, follow these steps to avoid bad breath!
In other words, follow these steps to avoid bad breath!
July 21, 2015
Freshness With Suavitel

I actually wrote this post as I was doing my laundry on Sunday because everyone knows- Sunday is the best day for laundry, right!
As I mentioned previously here, my absolute favorite fabric softener is Suavitel not only because it smells good but also because it reminds me of my childhood. This is the same detergent my mother used while I was growing up and it’s the same one I use know for my kids clothes.
There is no surprise that I’m super exited about their new Fragrance Pearls. These pearls are 5x longer lasting scent booster which is the #1 thing I look for when choosing any detergents for my clothes.
The pearls need to be added into the washing machine before adding your clothes. You can Add a little or a lot. This will make sure each piece of clothing absorbs that great fragrance we all love.
You can learn more here. #SuavitelFragrancePearls
En realidad, yo escribí esta entrada el Domingo cuando estaba lavando mi ropa porque todo el mundo sabe que los domingos es el mejor día para lavar la ropa.
Como mencioné anteriormente aquí, mi favorito suavizante es Suavitel no sólo porque huele bien, pero también porque me recuerda a mi infancia. Este es el mismo detergente que mi madre usaba mientras yo estaba creciendo y es el mismo que uso para la ropa de mis niñas.
No es ninguna sorpresa que estoy feliz sobre las nuevas perlas de la fragancia de Suavitel. Estas perlas son 5 veces más fuertes en fragancia, esto es lo primero que busco cuando elijo detergentes para mi ropa.
Las perlas se deben entrar en la lavadora antes de la ropa. Usted puede echar un poco o mucho. Esto hará que cada pieza de ropa absorbe la increíble fragancia que todos amamos.
Puedes aprender más aqui. #SuavitelFragrancePearls
July 20, 2015
Get Healthy Nails in 3 Easy Steps
It’s taken me a ton of time to grow out my nails and even when they are long they seem to be super weak and sooner or later they break.
I’ve done many mistakes in the past but I’ve certainly learned from them. I now know the do’s and don’ts for growing out my nails and today I’ll be sharing my personal story with you.

July 14, 2015
NYFW; Men's

In honor of Men's New York Fashion Week which is happening right now, I decided to go a little masculine in today's post.
En honor a la Semana de la Moda de Nueva York de los hombres (que está sucediendo ahora mismo), decidí estilar un look un poco mas masculino.
Enjoy Premios Juventud with Target #SinTraducción
Consideration was provided by Target.
I've never needed reasons to throw a party or get together with friends but.. since Premios Juventud is approaching (July 16th) I decided to share my plans with you all.

The Latest From H&M Kids

Today I've teamed up with H&M to bring you the latest Kids summer styles. To be quite honest, I walked-in the huge 5th ave H&M store and didn't want to come out. They have so many cute items for my daughters which made me want to buy the entire store! Ultimately, I was able to pick out two outfits that reflect both Leanne's and Zareena's personalities. Here's what I chose;
Recientemente visite la tienda H&M Para ser honesta, visite la tienda que esta localizada en la 5ª Avenida y no quería salir. Tienen tantas cosas lindas para mis hijas que quise comprar la tienda entera! Tuve la oportunidad de escoger dos trajes que reflejan las personalidades de Leanne y de Zareena.
Recientemente visite la tienda H&M Para ser honesta, visite la tienda que esta localizada en la 5ª Avenida y no quería salir. Tienen tantas cosas lindas para mis hijas que quise comprar la tienda entera! Tuve la oportunidad de escoger dos trajes que reflejan las personalidades de Leanne y de Zareena.
Be a Golden Goddess this Summer

There's nothing I dislike more than dark hair growing on my arms and legs. Since it's Summer I decided to lighten my body hair using Brazilian Golden Body Veil.
The steps are super easy and once you're done you'll look like a golden goddess!
No hay nada que me guste menos que el pelo oscuro creciendo en mis brazos y piernas. Ya que es verano me decidí aclarar el pelo de mi cuerpo usando Brazilian Golden Body Veil.
Los pasos son muy fácil y una vez que hayas terminado te ves como una diosa de oro!
July 10, 2015
Guess Why We're Happy?

A few things I love about Summer are traveling and certainly shopping for my two sugar plums, Zareena and Leanne. I recently checked out the latest collection from GuessKids.com and found two dresses that are perfect for any summer day or night. Over the weekend I took my girls up to Armonk, NY for a peaceful Sunday afternoon and thought it would be the perfect time to shoot around this beautiful pond.
Un par de cosas que me encantan de el verano es viajar y sin duda comprarles ropa a mis hijas, Zareena y Leanne. Recientemente compre de la última colección de Guess y encontré dos vestidos que son perfectos para cualquier día de verano. El fin de semana lleve a mis chicas a Armonk, Nueva York para pasar la tarde en el parque y pensé que sería el momento perfecto para tomarles fotos mientras jugaban.
July 8, 2015
Marilyn Monroe Spa

I recently visited Marilyn Monroe Spa in the Hyatt Hotel located in the heart of Times Square. This is a full service spa where they cater to women and truly make them feel rejuvenated and beautiful. A few of the services they provide is massages, hairstyling/coloring, facials, manicures + pedicure, wax and so much more.
Since it was my first time visiting I went for the Signature manicure and pedicure. The moment I walked in the entire crew made me feel so comfortable, offering me tea/coffee. My manicurists was Sung, the sweetest woman in the planet! I loved jamming to their awesome playlist while receiving my mani and pedi.
I wanted to share an insane promotion they are currently having.
July 7, 2015
Lazy Days Calls For Amika Dry Shampoo
There's no surprise that during the weekend my hair is at it's best. I can't say the same for Monday's! I really dislike waking up on a Monday morning to fix my hair. I dread it every. single. time! I'm always on the hunt for good dry shampoos, you know- one that isn't sticky or leaves any residue on your hair.
Los Viernes, Sábados y Domingos son mis mejores días del pelo. No puedo decir lo mismo de los Lunes! No me gusta despertar por la mañana a arreglar mi cabello. Siempre estoy en búsqueda de buenos champús secos que no son apestoso ni dejan ningún residuo en el cabello.
Los Viernes, Sábados y Domingos son mis mejores días del pelo. No puedo decir lo mismo de los Lunes! No me gusta despertar por la mañana a arreglar mi cabello. Siempre estoy en búsqueda de buenos champús secos que no son apestoso ni dejan ningún residuo en el cabello.

I recently came across this Amika dry shampoo sold in Sephora and wanted to share my thoughts with you.
"Perk Up Dry Shampoo is enriched with rice starch, which absorbs excess oils in your hair, allowing you to achieve clean and refreshed hair in an instant. Perfect for after a workout or a long run (or on those lazy days, like today!), just spray the dry shampoo into your roots, wait a few seconds, and then massage it in with your fingertips."
My favorite thing about this is the smell! The scent almost smells like a light perfume, nothing like any other dry shampoo I've ever smelled before. Besides the super cool packaging I also love the button you press to release the product. Easy to hold with one hand and style with the other. This Amika dry shampoo leaves my hair feeling fresh and light. Unlike my old one which made my hair heavy and made me feel like I was hiding the dirt with more products. I'm sure we've all been there!
This is definitely my current favorite hair product. & it may be for a while!
Hace poco me encontré con este champú seco de Amika que venden en Sephora y quería compartir mis pensamientos con ustedes.
"Perk Up Dry Shampoo está enriquecido con almidón de arroz, que absorbe el exceso de grasa en el pelo, que le permite alcanzar el cabello limpio y fresco en un instante. Perfecto para después de el gimnasio o un dia largo, simplemente rocia el champú seco en sus raíces, espere unos segundos, y luego masaje con los dedos."
Lo que más me gusta de esto es el olor! El aroma casi huele como un perfume suave como ningún otro champú seco que he olido antes. Además de la linda botella también me encanta el botón para liberar el producto. Fácil de sostener con una mano y así puedes estilar con la otra. Este champú seco de Amika deja mi pelo fresco y liviano. A diferencia de mi viejo que hacia sentir mi pelo pesado y me hizo sentir como si estuviera escondiendo el sucio con más productos. Estoy segura de que todos hemos estado allí!
Este es sin duda mi producto actual de pelo favorito y va a serlo por un tiempo!
"Perk Up Dry Shampoo is enriched with rice starch, which absorbs excess oils in your hair, allowing you to achieve clean and refreshed hair in an instant. Perfect for after a workout or a long run (or on those lazy days, like today!), just spray the dry shampoo into your roots, wait a few seconds, and then massage it in with your fingertips."
My favorite thing about this is the smell! The scent almost smells like a light perfume, nothing like any other dry shampoo I've ever smelled before. Besides the super cool packaging I also love the button you press to release the product. Easy to hold with one hand and style with the other. This Amika dry shampoo leaves my hair feeling fresh and light. Unlike my old one which made my hair heavy and made me feel like I was hiding the dirt with more products. I'm sure we've all been there!
This is definitely my current favorite hair product. & it may be for a while!
Hace poco me encontré con este champú seco de Amika que venden en Sephora y quería compartir mis pensamientos con ustedes.
"Perk Up Dry Shampoo está enriquecido con almidón de arroz, que absorbe el exceso de grasa en el pelo, que le permite alcanzar el cabello limpio y fresco en un instante. Perfecto para después de el gimnasio o un dia largo, simplemente rocia el champú seco en sus raíces, espere unos segundos, y luego masaje con los dedos."
Lo que más me gusta de esto es el olor! El aroma casi huele como un perfume suave como ningún otro champú seco que he olido antes. Además de la linda botella también me encanta el botón para liberar el producto. Fácil de sostener con una mano y así puedes estilar con la otra. Este champú seco de Amika deja mi pelo fresco y liviano. A diferencia de mi viejo que hacia sentir mi pelo pesado y me hizo sentir como si estuviera escondiendo el sucio con más productos. Estoy segura de que todos hemos estado allí!
Este es sin duda mi producto actual de pelo favorito y va a serlo por un tiempo!
July 6, 2015
Power Booster Smoothie
Every morning I love drinking smoothies like this one- I call it Bulldozer. The original recipe came from my favorite organic store in Astoria. I loved it so much that I learned the recipe, tweaked it a bit and now make it quite often in my home. This is a smoothie my entire family loves. The recipe goes as follows;

July 1, 2015
To The Max

I love maxi dresses but this one has got to me my favorite! I purchased this dress before going to Brazil and completely forgot to put it in my luggage. So happy I got to finally wear it!
Here's how to wear this dress for 4th of July;

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