One of the best ways for me to start and end my day is by working out or doing yoga. The energy that you get while and after a good sweat is indescribable. I believe in always being around good energy and yoga does just that for me.
A few weeks ago I came across the brand Alo Yoga. I was not familiar with yoga gear and I've always worked out in sweatpants. To me, that was workout gear. After a few yoga classes wearing different pieces from their line, I will never workout in sweatpants again, like EVER!
The ultimate comfort is when you feel naked, "truth be told". When items of clothing are hugged tight to your body, not tight like you can't breath, but a sense of stretchy tight that you feel relaxed. Alo Yoga offers incredible workout gear that supports you in the right places. I don't think I can explain it any other way.
The ultimate comfort is when you feel naked, "truth be told". When items of clothing are hugged tight to your body, not tight like you can't breath, but a sense of stretchy tight that you feel relaxed. Alo Yoga offers incredible workout gear that supports you in the right places. I don't think I can explain it any other way.
Lot's of you have been asking me; 'What did you do to loose weight after two pregnancies?', there's one and only answer, workout! Today I'm letting you in a very personal place, the yoga studio. I will be sweating and wearing no makeup. You've been warned!

Una de las mejores maneras en que puedo iniciar y finalizar mi día es haciendo ejercicio o yoga. La energía que se obtiene durante y después de un buena buena sudada es indescriptible. Creo en siempre estar cerca de buena energía y la yoga hace justamente eso para mí.
Hace unas semanas me encontré con la marca Alo Yoga. Yo no estaba familiarizada con ropa de yoga y siempre he echo ejercicios en pantalones grandes deportivos. Para mí, eso era ropa de ejercicio. Después de unas clases de yoga que use diversos pedazos de su línea, nunca entrenare en pantalones de chándal de nuevo!
La última comodidad es cuando te sientes desnudo, "la verdad sea dicha". Cuando las ropa se abraza con fuerza a su cuerpo, no apretada como que no puede respirar, pero un sentido de elástico apretado que se sienta relajado. Alo Yoga ofrece equipo de entrenamiento increíble que le apoya y recoje en los lugares correctos. No creo que lo puedo explicar de otra manera.
Muchos de ustedes me han estado preguntando, ¿Qué hiciste para perder peso después de dos embarazos? Hay una sola respuesta, hacer mucho ejercicios! Hoy los voy a dejar entrar a un lugar muy personal, el estudio de yoga. Voy a estar sudando y sin maquillaje. Asi que, usted ha sido advertido!

Everything I'm wearing is by Alo Yoga. I'm wearing a size small if you're wondering. You can find these pants here, top here, bra here. You can also find all sorts of color mats here.
You can win a $50 Alo Yoga gift card by liking my Facebook account HERE and following me on Twitter HERE. Once you've done that tweet me (@nytrendymoms) so I can know you've entered.
You can win a $50 Alo Yoga gift card by liking my Facebook account HERE and following me on Twitter HERE. Once you've done that tweet me (@nytrendymoms) so I can know you've entered.
My mind and soul are reaching for a goal.
(2 hour workout + 30 minute yoga class)
Todo lo que llevo puesto es de Alo Yoga. Estoy usando un tamaño pequeño. Usted puede encontrar estos pantalones aquí, la camisa aquí, bracieles aquí. También se puede encontrar alfombras de colores aquí.
Mi mente y mi alma están alcanzando para un objetivo.
Everything you are wearing in these photos is looking super comfortable and awesome. Truly, alo yoga clothes are always amazing. These are slouchy and look stylish. I also practice Yoga and have two pairs of leggings and tops from alo yoga. Love them!