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Thank you for your interest in working with NYTrendyMoms!

Sponsored post. Guest styling. Reviews. Event Hosting. Giveaways. Social media mentions. Videos. Ad/banners. Restaurant reviews. Campaings and much more. NYTM is always open to new opportunities.

**Inquires are welcome! If you would like to collaborate with NYTM or if you have something else in mind, feel free to contact NYTrendyMoms@hotmail.com 

We look forward to working with you!

Social Media Stats as of July 2023

Facebook followers: 1, 415 + 1,326 likes
Twitter followers: 1,887
Instagram followers: 23, 800
Threads followers: 1,527
Youtube subscribers: 1,150
TikTok: 53.8k likes

*Rate sheet and media kit available upon request